The Productivity Paradox


You might think that the more you invest in your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. But when it comes to productivity, this is not always true. In fact, there is a term for this puzzling phenomenon: the productivity paradox.

The productivity paradox was first observed in the early 1970s, when IT was still a new and exciting field. Experts predicted that technology would revolutionize society and boost productivity by three to four percent. However, the actual increase was only one percent. How could this be?

Some optimists argued that technology had a hidden impact that was not captured by productivity measurements, or that it would take time for the benefits to show up. But by the late 1980s, these explanations were not convincing enough. Researchers came up with various hypotheses to solve the mystery, but none of them were definitive. It seemed that there was something deeper going on.

The productivity paradox is still relevant today, as we face new challenges and opportunities in the digital age. How can we make the most of our resources and achieve our full potential? How can we avoid the pitfalls of the productivity paradox and unleash our creativity and innovation?

At WorkWell, we have some answers. In this series of blogs, we will share with you some of our solutions to overcome the productivity paradox and help you work smarter, not harder. Stay tuned for more!

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