7 easy employee productivity hacks

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“The state or quality of being productive.” – Productivity

Business success relies on productivity, from your newest employee right up to your most senior employee. It’s what keeps the cash flow moving and it plays a huge part in business growth.

As a business leader, it’s likely that you will have already learnt how to streamline your work. But we know that it can be a whole other story when it comes to encouraging productivity amongst the rest of your team.

These easy employee productivity hacks will have your employee productivity through the roof in no time…

1. Encourage regular breaks

To keep productivity levels high, it’s important to take regular breaks. Some specialists say you should get up once every 30 minutes to an hour, and some say even more frequently. Regardless, there’s no debate that it’s important to get up from your desk and stretch your legs every so often. Make sure that your employees are aware of this – it could help to put up some signs encouraging regular breaks.

2. Exercise regularly

Whilst regular breaks can help with employee productivity in the short-term, exercising regularly can increase employee productivity in the long-term. Why not introduce some fun team-building activities that incorporate exercise? For example, you could host a company sports day, lunch-time yoga, or even start a weekly team at your local 5-a-side pitch. You could even encourage exercise in the office with these 7 easy office exercises

3. Set allocated times to check your emails

Is responding to emails the bane of your working life? We can relate. It’s so easy to get distracted by the constant flow of notifications, with the average email user receiving 88 emails every day. Have you considered encouraging employees to only check their email at certain times of the day? Why not trial it for a day? Check emails first thing in the morning for anything urgent, then again at midday and 3pm, then one last time at the end of the day. You’ll be surprised at how much work your team gets through…

4. Communicate better

Good communication can save time, money and resources. In fact, all of the productivity hacks that we’ve mentioned so far can be implemented fairly easily through good communication. All it takes is an email to your team, placing some posters around your office, or even calling a short meeting to get your message across.

In the broader picture, it could help to put together some business processes too. These can be really useful for making sure that the correct processes are being implemented throughout the whole organisation, and can also help to upskill your team.

5. Track time

An easy way to improve employee productivity is by encouraging your team to track how long they spend completing tasks. You’ll then be able to use this data to determine how productive they are and whether they’re spending their time in the right places. If your team don’t usually track their time, they may find it difficult to get used to at first. Why not get them into the swing of things by giving some small incentives to employees who remember to track their time?

6. Use time-saving tools

Thanks to the advances in technology this past decade or so, there are now a whole load of effective time-saving tools. Whether you’re looking to save time on social media or with remembering your passwords, there’s something out there for you. Why not try out some of our favourite time-saving apps?

7. Invest in a serviced office

Investing in a serviced office can be a great way to boost employee productivity, as everything that you need for a productive working day is already there for you. There’s no need to worry about telephone bills, organising staff parking, sorting out the furniture, or anything like that. This means that you’ll have a lot more time to focus on your business. You could even use this extra time to look at new ways to improve employee productivity…


If you’re looking to take this a step further, why not look at moving to a more eco-friendly office? Simply introducing greenery into your office can boost employee productivity by 15%. It can also create a more productive working environment in the longer term by reducing the amount of CO2, mould and dust in the air. This combined with our love for nature is one of the reasons why we’re so proud to be an eco-friendly business centre

Are you looking for somewhere that offers a more productive working environment? Every aspect of our luxury business centre was intricately planned and designed by business growth experts, with employee productivity in mind. Why not arrange a viewing at our serviced offices in Leeds?