Clichés about Leeds business addresses you should avoid or embrace
The business world is cluttered with clichés. “Let’s circle back”, in ‘normal’ language meaning “Let’s discuss this issue at a later time”, and “Run this up the flagpole”, translating as “Let’s present the idea tentatively and see if it receives a favourable reaction,” are just two clichés some overzealous businessmen and women like to use to show off their well-rehearsed business acumen. But what about closer to home? What about here in Leeds? Are there any business clichés we should be conscious of?
In a word yes and none more so than when it comes to offices, meeting space and business addresses. Take a look at three clichés about Leeds offices and business address you should avoid and three you should embrace.
Clichés to avoid
But Leeds isn’t London!
Nope it isn’t London, hence why Leeds isn’t as polluted, noisy and busy. That said, being such an important business hub, Leeds has been justifiably given the credibility of being the ‘London of the North’.
Consequently, if you’re looking for a credible business address in the North of England, one with a Leeds postcode will rivet your business to instant new business ‘grandeur’.
They’ll be no face-to-face alliance!
“With a virtual business address in Leeds, you won’t be able to meet clients and colleagues face-to-face”, cry the anti-‘going virtual’ community!
Wrong again! What’s great about virtual offices and co-working centres in the likes of Leeds is not only do certain packages come with the option of having a professional business address, but there are also professional, well-facilitated and easily-accessible meeting rooms to hire out, meaning SMEs, entrepreneurs and freelancers can meet with colleagues, outsourcers, clients and prospective clients face-to-face and enjoy the benefits meeting in person with business associates generates, particularly when you meet them in such a professional office/meeting room venue.
You’ll get lonely!
We’ve all heard the cliché about working remotely or independently from the traditional confines of a 9 – 5 office – “You’ll have nobody to talk to, you’ll be lonely and you’ll go out of your mind!”
Whilst a more flexible working structure does require an element of self-discipline and control, with such a wealth of facilities designed to cater for the flexible, remote worker in cities like Leeds, the presumption that “You’ll be lonely” has to be perceived as an overused, office-orientated, misconceived cliché.
We must admit, home offices, by their very nature, can be lonely, isolating places. Hence the arrival and phenomenal growth of the likes of virtual offices, co-working centres and serviced offices.
Being surrounded by like-minded professionals in a vibrant, professional and thriving business space, like the virtual offices and serviced offices at Carrwood Park, means flexible workers don’t fall under the cliché that flexible working denotes a lonely, solitary working existence.
Clichés to embrace
Let’s optimise!
The ‘optimisation’ cliché featured on Ask Men’s blog on ‘Top ten corporate clichés’ to which Ask Men blamed it on IT, is used to describe the process of modifying an IT system in order to make the infrastructure more efficient and to use less resources. However, as Ask Men notes, over time the proactive ‘buzzword’ “optimisation” is now used to describe “anything from meetings to personal time management.”
In terms of Leeds business addresses, the “optimisation” cliché could certainly be applied with the likes of Carrwood Park offering meeting rooms and virtual offices with efficient IT systems in place AND a working/meeting room environment designed to increase efficiency and improve time management.
Think like a film director
Can the corporate world really be as exciting as the movies? According to Patrick Lencioni, author of ‘Death By Meeting’ it can. Whether you have a virtual office in Leeds that enables you to have a Leeds business address, or require a well-facilitated and inspiring meeting room venue, acting like a film director and conducting business with “passion and conflict”, says Lencioni, will have an engaging and positive result on the way your business is perceived.
‘Ideation’ is another word that’s been described as a modern corporate cliché. This trendy-sounding business concept apparently refers to the creation of new and innovative ideas within a company. For example, a boss might say to his/her team: “I’m not bowled over (arguably another corporate cliché) by our new company logo, I need greater ‘ideation’ from you all.”
So how is ideation related to offices and business addresses in Leeds?
As we wrote in an earlier blog about how to grow and stay inspired with collaboration and communal working, by working in open-plan, co-working offices, in a room full of fellow professionals working on various projects, or by having teams work in more flexible working premises such as co-working centres and serviced offices, naturally promotes the clichéd corporate concept of ‘ideation’.
For an ultra-desirable Leeds business address and for high-quality virtual and serviced offices on the outskirts of Leeds with good links to major motorways and transport networks, get in touch with the team at Carrwood Park.