Co-working Vs Working from home


The phone’s ringing, the dog wants to go for a walk – he’s just jumped up onto the kitchen counter and knocked your paperwork on the floor. You’ve got a meeting in the lounge in half an hour and the neighbour’s just popped in for a chat having seen your car in the drive.  To top it all, the washing machine’s just started leaking. Sound familiar?

Surely there’s a better way to run a business!

Co-Working May be the Solution
Rather than going to the expense of renting an office, this is the logical next step. Co-working doesn’t mean you have to be in the office all the time. What it does mean is that you can plan your time better; so when you’re at work, you’re at work and when you’re doing domestic chores or being sociable, you can be less stressed and not pulled in so many directions.  According to OfficeVibe, a massive 60% of people reported feeling more relaxed at home since starting co-working.

What’s so Good About Co-Working?

The biggest advantage of co-working vs working from home is that you will feel more professional. This usually has an amazing effect on productivity. Take a look at all these benefits;

  • Having a place to go to work give people a more professional outlook, which helps drive their business forward.
  • Being around other co-workers increases feelings of self-worth and well-being. This has been well documented in Deskmag’s 2014 extensive surveys.
  • It’s flexible; working at home is still possible when you want to.
  • Projecting a more professional image has a positive effect on how clients perceive your service, making them more likely to purchase from you.
  • Meeting rooms where you can offer refreshments for visitors has to be better than hastily clearing the lounge at home or arranging to meet at in internet café.
  • Additionally, your clients will be greeted by a reception manager (rather than your dog barking) and they’re bound to be impressed by all the other facilities you have access to.
  • Having an office address online when people ‘Google’ your business, as opposed to a residential address, furthers the credibility of your services.
  • From a personal security standpoint, there’s also something to be said for removing your home address from the internet.

All in all, there are so many positives to be gained and it’s a great way of taking your businesses to the next level.

Download your free Ultimate Guide to Co-Working to help you decide whether this may be the right choice for your business.

I’m Trying to Control my Expenses so How Can I Afford Co-Working Space?

By now, you’ll be getting the picture; co-working raises productivity, so as you use your time more efficiently, revenue will increase which in turn will cover the outlay. That’s not to mention the savings made by reduced utility bills at home. Heating, lighting, phone system and internet connection are all part of the package and most places provide tea and coffee making facilities as a bare minimum.

It is possible to be disciplined when working from home and I’ve compiled some tips here, but …

Here’s another thing to think about. The cleaning! Imagine how much extra time you’ll gain by having office staff to do the chores around your workplace.

If you’re still not convinced, I’ll let you try co-working in Carrwood Park FREE for a week. Just give us a call on 0113 385 4480 and we’ll set up a time which suits you. There’s absolutely no contract or obligation. At the end of the week you’ll have more of an idea for yourself whether it’s the next best move for your business.