Keeping Cool in the Summer

Keeping cool at work in the summerSummer is just around the corner and that means it’s time to flip that switch and set your air conditioning to cool. If you’re already lucky enough to work in serviced offices with top of the range air conditioning systems like those at Carrwood Park, then stick to these guide lines to keep your working environment cool in those sweltering summer months.
Keep the temperature set to 19o
If in your overheated stupor you set the temperature to the lowest setting possible, your office space will eventually get too cold. Inevitably, this will lead to people turning it way up again, making it too warm. Prevent these time- and energy-wasting air conditioning wars by keeping the temperature nice and constant — 19℃

Make it’s set to “cool” and not left on “automatic”

Check the function setting on your system and ensure that it’s kept on the “cool” function. This is usually denoted by a snowflake.

Keep it running all night

Stopping the system overnight means you start from square one the next day. Keeping it running through the night will leave your work space with a lasting pleasant temperature throughout.

Keep windows and doors closed

The classic answer to being too hot — opening windows and doors — this may have worked in the dark ages before air conditioning was even conceived, but in modern office spaces this is wasteful and counterproductive. Keep all windows and doors shut to ensure maximum efficiency in your a/c system.

Turn off all unnecessary electronics

Many electronic devices generate heat themselves and so will counteract the effects of your air conditioning. Make a new summer motto for those surplus devices — If it’s bringing heat in, take its plug out!

Hopefully this guide will keep your office cool and comfortable, and in turn keep your employees happy and productive. But if a/c is a long-standing issue in your current office space, take a look at the fantastic (and well air-conditioned) office spaces, meeting rooms and more at Carrwood Park and get your summer business schedule underway.