Welcome to the Carrwood Park blog
We’ve set up this blog to share the kind of information that our clients ask us about every day.
Choosing the right space in which to work and hold meetings is vital. It can be the difference between having a happy, productive and creative team or a team that is uninspired, tired and bored. It can be the difference between winning a client or them choosing another company that was easier to get to or looked more professional and established.
First let me introduce myself
Welcome to Carrwood Park
Our office and meeting room space is the front facing part of our business that you may already know about. What you may not know is that we also have interests in agriculture, industrial, retail residential space, so if you want any advice on types of space and the synergies between them, then please get in touch.
Over the next few weeks and months, I’ll be sharing useful advice about choosing and managing spaces and business opportunities. We’re also planning on running free knowledge give-aways to help business owners maximise the potential of new business opportunities. Sign up to our fortnightly blog, and we’ll send you a fortnightly email with useful tips and ideas.
In addition, we will be hosting monthly blogs about our events, which will give one customer per month the opportunity to present information about their industry and the topics relevant to them. Do get in touch if you’re interested in taking part.
I look forward to seeing or speaking to you soon.
Best wishes,
Oliver Corrigan
Centre Manager
Carrwood Park