Why celebrating Yorkshire success matters

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From the world-renowned Yorkshire countryside to the even more infamous Yorkshire cuisine, there are plenty of reasons why Yorkshire is the best region in the world.

But an aspect of Yorkshire that can sometimes be overlooked is its bustling business scene. Home to the country’s largest financial centre outside of London and with an economic output of £88 billion (double that of Wales), there’s no doubt that Yorkshire is up there with the world’s most exciting business scenes. And with that comes plenty of high profile events and award ceremonies.

An example of this is the 2017 Yorkshire Choice Awards, taking place this weekend. This year’s nominations include a seventeen year old lip balm entrepreneur, a community serving balloon business, a mum and daughter prom dress boutique and a security firm run by a former soldier. Over 250,000 votes were cast for the eleven titles on offer, which shows just how heavily the Yorkshire community is behind this event.

Regional events and award ceremonies like this are well worth celebrating. They’re a great way to bring attention to the extra mile that businesses and individuals are going all over Yorkshire. Large community events can also be an excellent starting point for professionals and businesses to really integrate themselves with their local community. If you’re looking for a way to give (and get!) more from your area, then getting involved in events and award ceremonies could be the perfect way to do so.

Why should celebrating Yorkshire success matter to your business?

It’s an excellent way to keep on top of local trends 

Want to keep your finger on the pulse of your local area? Getting involved in an awards ceremony can be a great way to stay in touch with what is important to the people in your vicinity.


It offers the ideal platform to meet other like-minded businesses 

Local businesses often have a great deal to offer each other, but before networking with each other they probably wouldn’t know this! Local and regional awards events provide the perfect chance to get out and socialise with other professionals and discover how you can help each other.


It provides excellent advertising opportunities

Big award ceremonies aren’t just about celebrating achievements and socialising with other businesses. They also offer businesses the chance to get involved as a sponsor. Doing something like this can be a great way to get involved with your community whilst also spreading the word about who you are and what you have to offer.


It’s almost guaranteed to inspire you

One of the best things about celebrating the greatness of other people is that it inspires us all to set our sights a little bit higher. Supporting the achievements of others can be a brilliant way to challenge yourself to do something extraordinary too. Even if you don’t actually attend the event, it can be great for both you and your local area to shout about the success online. After all, what more could you ask for as a business than being in an area renowned for success?


There are so many success stories happening in Yorkshire at the moment. Forward Ladies‘ National Women in Business Awards were another fine example of this, with some truly inspiring stories from the likes of Maiden Voyage and PJ Care. You can read our highlights from the National Women in Business Awards here.

Do you want to be a part of the business buzz, that’s happening right now, in Yorkshire? We can help you get started with a Leeds business address, conference rooms or even a serviced office.